Tuesday, November 25, 2008


(Insert Greeting Here...)

This is my first post. (High Five!) I read many different blogs online and find that each one carries its own personality. I hope that this one will do the same and add to the myriad of blogs that already exist. If I happen to write something that resonates with the public (you...hey you...ya you) then please feel free to leave a comment.

OK..."get on with it!"

So, I'm currently listening to "Mark and Brian". They host a live morning radio show out of southern California and, lucky for me, they finally have their online radio module up and running. For a while it was down and I was going through massive DT's. There really isn't any kind of withdrawal like not being able to hear these two jock's. They have, in my very modest opinion, one of the best morning radio shows in the country. (www.markandbrian.com/markandbrian) I highly recommend them if you haven't partaken thus far...

The sun is coming up, it's really early and I totally slept on the floor at a my best friend's place. We enjoyed some late night Family Guy DVDs and for some reason she wanted to get pancakes at like 11:30pm. So, we went down to the local pancake place (well, the only place that's open in this town who serves cakes that late) and she had a fat stack. It was different to just watch someone eat that particular breakfast item, as I had already eaten and was quite satiated for the night. She obliterated the meal, it was awesome! I don't think I've been scared of someone who wanted food like that, but her eyes just kept getting wider with anticipation and she kept saying it over and over, "Pancakes!". Needless to say I was relieved when she had devoured the griddle fodder. So, butter and syrup wiped away, we ended up finishing off the early morning with some Animatrix, which I highly recommend, and could not believe she hadn't seen! Then again, she hasn't seen a lot of things and this truly is an endearing quality.

So, after waking up on the floor (I love to sleep there as of late) at 5:20 this morning I finally made it to bed. Ever wake up on the floor after some late night DVDs?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the last time I woke up on the floor, I was drunk. Oddly enough, Family Guy was playing in the background. Hahaha.