It seems that this time of year this terminology always enters our college bound lexicons. I found myself standing in front of the music faculty once again, playing solo and showing them that I really do know what I'm doing. (for the most part...) It was a little different this time as I have already performed my senior recital and I'm pretty much ready to move on to the next level of my education. It felt like I was playing my swan song, at least one of a few left in the year, and I was kind of sad to see them all sitting there watching and listening. I've done it so many times now that I don't hardly think about it anymore. Maybe this is a good sign that I am really ready to move forward in life and take that next step.
As for finals, I've kind of felt a bit of a slacker this term. I really only have one final left and I'm planning on taking that online. The rehearsals for school are over and there are no more performances left. It seems that the year really is winding down and our department is getting ready for a nice relaxing holiday. One more semester, one more term, one last go 'round...
I can't wait. It's going to be legen...wait for it...
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