Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Donation Of Time To Meetings...

Where does the time go???  Days 10 - 12 were all meetings....aaaauuuuugggghhhh!!!!  Even over the weekend it seemed like time went way too fast...*sigh*

All I can say is that if life weren't chalked full of meetings, my world would be a much saner place.  The idea behind getting together to plan and scheme makes sense.  It definitely benefits the youth which we serve and makes life more productive.  I just wish there was a way to eliminate the meetings and still be as productive.  I suppose in our profession we need them...

Single again I walk through the days...

I guess it was the best decision on both our parts.  We seemed to find ourselves running again through the same motions.  Four months in and it seemed that we were moving apart.  We ended on good terms, just like before, and it seemed to be something that once again was put on hold.  I know that one day I'll find the right one...but single is a great way to finish out my day today.  (They're just too many cute ones out there to have fun with, guess I should try and few more on for size...ha ha ha...)

Today was spent in training, paperwork, phone calls, and watching teenagers BS each other with the utmost care.  I wonder if teens will ever be any different?  Probably not, as they've been the same since I began working with them...10 years, wow...fairly intense to entertain the notion that this is something to which I'm committed.  Working with youth is awesome and the education behind it is still what drives me to this day.  I wonder where I'll be in the next 10 years.

Life is far...

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