Thursday, January 7, 2010

Two Days And Much Needed Practicing

Day 6 & 7 (See what I did there...???...yah, that's right....)

Yesterday was actually somewhat of a typical Wednesday.  Just made it through the day and had a really great work out at the gym.  Some much needed cardio on the treadmill and stretching felt extremely good.  Lately, and probably because of the break over the holidays, my left knee has been aching and was extremely sensitive to the running.  I'm sure that some low impact cardio is needed to help remedy this.  The stretching really helps, but I think that there is probably more of it I could be doing and just need to consult the web or a trainer to acquire some different techniques.

Today has been extremely long.  Meetings all morning and paperwork/internet work all day, then a full shift at the teen center.  Yikes!!!  Days like this are far and few between, but it seems like the work load is increasing steadily and if I'm not careful, it will creep up and overwhelm.  I've been in situations like this before and pulled through, though, I don't think I've been in this type of position before.  Managing the center has been so much fun but with the coming of the new year it seems like my schedule and calendar filled up instantly.

Practicing needs to become a priority soon.  With an upcoming festival and a major guest artist in the very near future I'm definitely going to have to step my game in that arena.

Here's keeping my fingers crossed for


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