Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Next Session And Lots of Walking...

The chemistry class was a complete waste of time. Yes, I did attend every single day, and I did end up loathing Tuesdays (good God those labs were long!!), but in the end it was a pretty good class. I think in most part it was due to the professor. He was the kind of teacher that I really respect and he was extremely dedicated to his could tell he has a great time educating others about his field of study!

So, with that first summer session over, I'm now moving into the second of three. The current classes are extremely polarized in terms of their "appeal". The book making class is kick ass!!! The prof is incredible, fun, and extremely intelligent. We've already made three books thus far and I can't wait to get to the Coptic stitch! Needless to say we're all having a great time in this class. (Even the lectures are fun...) On the other hand, this media ethics course I'm taking is about as dry as Dick Cheney's ass after he applies the Gold Bond butt powder. The professor is way too into all the "media theories", and honestly, I think she's lost a little bit of what it's like to enjoy life without the media telling her every little thing to worry about. Not sure what it is, but this class is going to swiftly become the new "chemistry". Oh well, only four more weeks to go and it will be over.

Last night and early this morning, I participated in our annual American Cancer Society's "Relay for Life". It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. The people, walking to support, remember, and honor everyone that has had their lives touched by cancer. The turn-out included local businesses, non-profits, individuals in support, even the local gay and lesbian association walked in support of the cause. It was a truly beautiful event, with a flame that burned all night long, during the entire event, music and live performances to keep the walkers motivated and going through the night, and a memorial luminaria lighting. The luminaria vigil, followed by a long moment of silence and then Sara McLaughlin's "I Will Remember You" ensured that there wasn't a dry eye on the entire football field/track. It was incredible and I was among those that were truly touched. I walked for our local non-profit and in memory of my late aunt. It really made me feel great to participate and enjoy some like company during the event.

Don't ever hesitate if you get the chance to walk in a "Relay For Life" event. It is one of the most genuine and rewarding affairs of which a person can be a part.


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